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Cyberattack! Are You Ready? – Webinar

May 18, 2017

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About this Free ALFA International Advantage Webinar:

This workshop envisions the hours after a company learns that its computer system has been hacked and that the personal information of employees and customers has been stolen. A discussion of case studies will highlight the types and causes of cyber-risks that businesses face, the practical and potential legal implications of a breach, appropriate procedures for responding to a data breach, and proactive safeguards that can limit liability for such events.  Additionally, the workshop will highlight the special risks facing law firms in safeguarding confidential client information

Presented by Devin J. Chwastyk, Chair, Privacy & Data Security Group of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC and Carl N. Kunz, III (“Chuck”), Partner at Morris James LLP.

About ALFA International ALFA International is the global legal network that can support your legal needs anywhere you have them.  The hallmark of our network is our local relationships worldwide, embodied by our 150 member firms throughout the United States and in 65 countries around the world.  Our members regularly collaborate on various CLE programming for ALFA International programs, articles, and compendia, as well as at third party events.  ALFA International attorneys not only develop best-in-class CLE, but also deliver high quality legal services domestically and around the world using a network of local experts that provide our clients the confidence and security of knowing they are getting excellent legal service for reasonable cost.