This web site does not offer legal advice. All material on this web site has been prepared by McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC, for general information purposes. The information on this site may not reflect current legal developments and may not reflect current developments in your jurisdiction. No warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy or adequacy of the information provided on this site. Each legal issue must be evaluated on a case by case basis because no two legal issues are the same. No attorney-client or other professional relationship of any nature is created by your reading this site. Do not act on or rely on any information on this site, but instead, you must consult with a licensed attorney as this site is not a substitute for obtaining appropriate legal advice from legal counsel in your relevant jurisdiction. We welcome email regarding legal matters on which the firm may be able to be of service. However, please do not send us any privileged, confidential, or otherwise sensitive information until we have confirmed that no conflict of interest exists which might prevent us from accepting the representation.